First Canon 7D Test
I’ve upgraded myself from the Nikon D90 to a Canon 7D and shot some first footage and still images today from Lola at the playground. I still try to find the best camera settings on Manuel mode with the Canon EF-S Zoom lens – 18 mm – 135 mm – F/3.5-5.6 – Canon EF. But already I’m really impressed by the speed and quality of the 7D. The handling is just amazing and well thought through. Easy to access the important settings with short cuts and there is no need to become a finger acrobat or take piano lessons to control the camera. Even that the 7D uses a metal body and the D90 a mix of metal and plastic, the D90 felt a bit more solid than the 7D. But the sizes of these two cameras are already very different. To shoot also smaller images (Mode M,S) as RAW images is a very nice thing to have. Also the speed of 8 images/second is very high. So I feel already addicted to the new camera. Sure there is plenty of room to increase the quality with the right camera settings and for sure with a nice f1.4 aperture lenses, but that’s next.
I shot the footage with 50fps and color corrected it in Premiere Pro.
Camera: Canon 7D with Canon EF-S Zoom lens – 18 mm – 135 mm – F/3.5-5.6 – Canon EF
Music: El Ten Eleven / My Only Swerving
13 years agoAllright cut the crap about all those technical things! Do you really think we are interesting in that??? Your page rates are falling down as you told so don’t come up with this kind of stories! ; )
As usal I am also impressed but more for your artistic work than all the technical stories behind. Even if you must play a piano or do acrobatic trics with your camera: You allways rock your camera! You stay an amazing photografer and a really sweet dad! 🙂
So…. keep us posted with your new camera by making a lot of beautifull pictures!!!!!! Love it!!!! Still waiting at the full kite story… This teaser is really killing me….
13 years agoHey neeeeeee Su,
Thanks for the kind feedback about my talent as a photographer or dad. That’s cute! But see, the statistic program doesn’t tell me about visitors on my side if they are men or woman. So, I need to balance the content right 🙂
Haha, believe me that the content will go even more neerdy soon. This is really a playground for some good neerd talk. And that’s what we like, right? No?
So, I promise to take your comment into consideration and try to find the right balance.
Have a great weekend and talk to you soon
13 years agoStill don’t get a email if you replay me! 😉
I saw ‘2 comments’ so I was hoping that somebody agreed with me… But guess I am the only one over here! (hihihi… Sorry… Love to tease you…. You know who is talking right?!)
And… Are you avoiting the subject ‘kitesurf movie’?!!? 😉
13 years agoright, we are the only two out here 🙂 not sure whats wrong with the system generated emails? i did not realized that there was a problem.
the subject is moving along … will let you know when its done.
have a great day …
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