[html5video width=650 height=365 rawsrc=https://the-schmidt.com/wp-content/uploads/video/html5/pieceofsky.mp4]


A very sensitive topic nobody wants to really talk about is right here. Child Sexual Abuse! Not only a topic of poor countries, the reality is that sexual abuse of children is a global issue. Also, the incidence of child sexual abuse is soaring!

Mariella Furrer, a Swiss/Lebanese photo/journalist has lived her whole life in Africa, and spent much of her career focusing on social issues affecting woman and children. She has worked for almost 8 years now on the book “My Piece of Sky” and gathered a large body of work consisting of photos, journals, in-depth recorded interviews, artworks and poetry.

With our/your help she will be able to produce the book and spread it out to the following audiences:

  • Governments – to advocate for effective legislative protection-
  • Survivors of abuse and their families – to provide community understanding-
  • Organisations working in child protection – as a research and advocacy tool-
  • Criminal and Justice Divisions – to train members of law enforcement-
  • Departments of Social Services – to provide case studies
  • Academic Centers w/ Psychology & Criminology Departments – to enhance research and academic understanding


For me, that’s a wonderful case from a great person taken all her heart blood and believe in this project without any distraction or manipulation from outside organizations. With your donation you can become part to help Mariella Furre to bring this project to life.



My Piece of Sky: Memories of Child Sexual Abuse is a testimony to the young children who have survived the experience of rape, and those who have lost their lives to it. It is a book that will visually seize the attention of reader through the use of photography and artwork, and will capture their minds through in-depth interviews, and journals, essays and poetry by children who have been abused.

For more information and to donate please visit this case under the website of Kickstarter

Or: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/09/showcase-134/

Or use the banner on the right side of my blog for any donation!

“However, now it is time to make sure that these stories are heard and these images seen, so that they can make a difference in ending these horrific crimes against the most innocent members of our global communities”.
